I’ve heard this from my mentor, and it’s stuck with me forever. “People who leave bad Yelp reviews get bad Yelp reviews.” it’s so true. The best way to attract ideal clients is by being the client we want to attract. It’s that simple.
- Do you ask for discounts when you go places? Your client will do the same.
- Do you leave low tips or no tips? Your client will do the same.
- Do you ask for payment plans? Your client will do the same.
- Do you make lowball offers? Your client will do the same.
- Do you not value your service providers? Your client will do the same.
- Do you look for the negative in things? Your client will do the same.
- Do you owe people money? Your client will do the same.
- Do you make late payments? Your client will do the same.
- Do you take a long time to pay an invoice? Your client will do the same.
- Do you ignore people’s messages? Your client will do the same.
- Do you talk wrong about people? Your clients will do the same.
Some people also refer to the law of attraction as the law of mirroring or reflection.
Who you are inside is reflected in the people and situations you attract into your life. Therefore, based on these laws, everyone you meet is a mirror.
The truth is no one can escape Mirror Law. Even if those who don’t know or don’t believe in it, they still get the effects of it.
A powerful affirmation I use to remind myself of the Mirror law is “how I do one thing is how I do everything.”
Let’s be aware and be in action.
Create a great week everyone!
– Alex