Whenever I hear this during a call with a potential website client, I know exactly what this means…
What they are really saying is one of two things…
I want to see what you said in writing to understand it and potentially do business with you.
I am just saying this because something hasn’t been said and I want to get off the phone call.
It’s essential to get clear on which of those you are actually getting.
Whenever I get #1 I ensure my prospect understands what I am offering and how I can help.
I say things like, “sure! Happy to send a proposal; what exactly would you like to see in it? I want to make sure you are clear on what I offer; that’s why I take time and have these calls.”
Then I address those concerns and ask if they would like to get started.
I only send proposals to those who want to get started and need to see it in writing to sign the agreement and make the payment.
Sending proposals is the best way to LOSE clients (I’ll do another post about this as I can go way more deep into this)
If I am getting #2, Most likely, there are things about money that haven’t been said; perhaps they don’t have it, or feel it’s too much etc.…
In this case, I make sure they are clear about the value they are getting and how it outweighs their investment…
If the prospect doesn’t have the money, remember this: people don’t have money issues; they are just not being resourceful because they don’t see the value in what you offer.
In this case, you must make it worth it for them….
The truth is, when you talk to potential clients, you must get to the root of what they are actually saying…
Read between the lines, and know the source of their questions and objections.
Ensure you are getting a YES I want to do business or a NO, I don’t want to do business. Either way is acceptable. Just get clear on where they truly are at; this will help you close and waste less time chasing people who are not authentic with you.
If you found this helpful and would like to learn more about growing your website business with a solid business foundation.
I am about to launch an exclusive community away from Social Media (and what I mean by community, I am talking about creating a place where people care more about others than themselves) for ONLY web designers who are interested in growing and collaborating.
Here is the link to join > https://www.skool.com/webconsultant
Create a great day!