Here is a simple test to find out…
You are on social media and come across an image of a guy named Andrew Tate…
You might have heard of him; at one point, he was the most Googled person in the world…
Putting aside how you feel about him, see the image below and answer the following question internally.
What do you think of it? Looking at the image, what comes to mind?
- He is a jerk. I don’t want anything to do with him.
- Why is he getting a haircut? The guy is bald!
- He is a scammer; that’s how he got rich.
- I see a guy who, whether I like him or not, clearly knows something about business and creating wealth…
Based on this picture, I can only assume he values his time to the point of hiring a barber to get his head shaved while he is focused and using his phone.
I would love to find out what he is doing on the phone. Is it an app, and if so, which one? Closing deals? Getting interviews? Talking to his mentor? Managing his team? What is he doing?
Because I doubt anyone who has created success did it by watching 2 hours of cat videos on TikTok.
Just because I may disagree with someone doesn’t mean I can’t learn from them. On the contrary, being a student of life will expose you to many possibilities.
If you answered 1, 2 or 3, consider you may have a poor mentality, here is why…
- Thinking someone is a jerk or judging someone without knowing them personally is very limiting; people who challenge your thinking and make you uncomfortable are your best teachers.
- We can make a massive difference in our lives by simply switching from making statements all the time to asking questions instead.
Why? How? Tell me more about that. - Before we talk about money, let’s clarify what money is. Money is a tool used to exchange goods and services…
Money is not the root of all evil; if that were the case, churches would not be asking for offerings…
The money we have in our account reflects our beliefs about money…
Change how we think about money, and we will change the numbers on our bank account…
Those who make a lot of money figured out a way to trade goods and services at scale and made millions because of it…
Consider Jeff Bezos, who became a billionaire because people can buy almost anything online and get it the same day…
The guy provided value and solved a problem at scale; he didn’t scam anyone…
I invite you to look at your limiting beliefs about money and question everything you know about everything…
How you think got you here; a new way of thinking will get you there.
Create a great day, everyone!
– Alejandro