The first website I ever sold was $500; I was new and was just getting started…
Soon after that website was completed, I realized that It took more work than I anticipated…
Therefore, I increased my price, and I sold the following website for $1,500…
As time passed, I continued working with clients, got better at my craft, and got to a point where I was charging $3,000 per website…
And boy, was I feeling good…
So good, in fact, that I told my wife that the next client I will be charging them $5,000
My confidence was high, and I pitched a $5,000 website!!!
To my surprise, the client said…
“Unfortunately, that’s way too much,” and said NO.
I was bummed out and started thinking maybe 5k is too much for a website…
And clearly, people won’t pay for it…
As usual, at the end of the day, my wife asked me how my call went …
And I shared it was a no-go and told her, “Maybe $5,000 is too much to charge for a website.”
Her response changed our lives forever…
She quickly replied, “Well, maybe they just didn’t have the money.”
So simple, yet so true!
And she was right. That prospect ended up closing shop a few months after our call…
The truth is, you simply can’t charge $5,000 to someone who can’t afford it…
Soon after that, not only did I close a $5,000 but also closed a 20k website!!
Consider this: you keep attracting people who can’t pay you simply because you keep talking to them…
If you want to charge more for your services, here is my invitation…
- Charge more.
- Find business owners with problems worth solving who have purchasing power…
Someone selling cookies on the street may not be able to afford a 10k website…
A Law Firm with a website that is not helping them get clients will be more than happy to pay.
Charging more has been the best thing for my business because I have the resources I need to get results for my clients.
– Alejandro
P.S. Have you considered raising your prices? If so, how is that going? Comment below. Would love to hear from you!