If you want to get web clients, stop doing these things…

Team LISClient Acquisition

  1. Giving up on following up
    Don’t ghost your prospects because you feel like you’re bothering them. You’re not pushing junk; you’ve got something valuable! Stand up for your offer.
  2. Not recording calls
    Unless you’ve got a photographic memory, hit that record button. Reviewing your calls helps you catch important details and improve your pitch.
  3. Talking too much
    Zip it! The more you talk, the less you learn. Listen more and uncover what your client really needs.
  4. Sending proposals via email
    Never send proposals and hope for the best. Instead, schedule a time to go over it with your client. Sending it cold loses all your leverage and increases the chance of getting ghosted.
  5. Focusing on selling
    Your goal isn’t to sell them something. Instead, focus on helping them make the right choice to solve their problem, whether or not they hire you.
  6. Ignoring objections
    When a client has concerns, listen and address them. Objections are chances to build trust, not hurdles to skip over.
  7. Neglecting follow-up
    Don’t drop the ball! Most deals are won in the follow-up. Stay consistent and keep it professional.

Which one of these 7 is kicking your butt right now? Comment below!