Why Your Clients Are Choosing Cheaper Competitors and How to Win Them Back

Team LISClient Acquisition

You just had a great conversation with a potential client.

They loved your portfolio. They seemed excited. And then, just when you thought they would say yes, they ghost you or go with a cheaper option.

Frustrating? Absolutely.

But here is the hard truth: Clients do not choose cheaper competitors because of price. They choose them because they do not see the difference.

If clients are constantly telling you, “We decided to go with someone more affordable,” then the problem is not your price, it is how you position your value.

In this post, we will break down exactly why this happens and how you can position your services so clients stop price-shopping and start choosing YOU.

The 3 Real Reasons Clients Choose Cheaper Options

Most freelancers assume clients pick cheaper options because:

  • They have a limited budget.
  • They just want the cheapest deal.
  • They are not the “right” client.

While that may be true for a small percentage, the real reason most clients choose the cheaper competitor is because your offer did not clearly communicate its value.

1. You Sound Like Everyone Else

🚫 Problem: If your pitch is the same as every other freelancer’s, price becomes the only differentiator.

Fix: Position yourself differently. Instead of saying:
“I build modern, responsive websites for businesses.”

“I help businesses turn their website into a client-converting machine that generates more leads without spending more on ads.”

The second option makes you stand out and directly connects your service to their biggest pain point, getting more customers.

2. You Are Selling Features, Not Outcomes

🚫 Problem: Most web designers talk about what they do instead of what the client gets.

Fix: Stop selling websites. Sell the result of having a great website.

Instead of:
“I will design a WordPress website with SEO optimization and a contact form.”

“I will build you a website that gets more leads, books more appointments, and increases sales.”

When clients understand the outcome, they stop comparing you to cheaper alternatives.

3. You Do Not Create Enough Urgency

🚫 Problem: If your client feels no urgency to take action, they will either do nothing or pick the cheapest option.

Fix: Give them a reason to move forward now.

Use statements like:

  • “I have one spot left for this month—want to lock it in?”
  • “If we start this week, you will be ready to launch before [insert deadline].”
  • “This pricing is locked in until [date]. After that, my rates go up.”

Urgency eliminates hesitation and speeds up decision-making.

How to Win Clients Back (Even After They Picked Someone Cheaper)

Sometimes, a client will go with the budget option and later realize they made a mistake. Instead of losing them forever, here is how to win them back.

1. Follow Up After a Few Weeks

Many budget-friendly web designers deliver poor results. If a client is unhappy, you need to be the first person they think of.

Send a simple message like:
“Hey [Client’s Name], I wanted to check in, how is the new website working out for you? Let me know if you need any help optimizing it!”

If they are unhappy, this opens the door for you to step in and fix the problem (at your price).

2. Offer a “Fix It” Service

Clients who go the cheap route often end up with a website that:

  • Looks bad
  • Does not function properly
  • Fails to generate leads

You can position yourself as the solution by offering a “Website Rescue” service.

Example pitch:
“A lot of businesses who go with low-budget web designers come to me later because their site is not performing the way they hoped. If you ever need a website audit or improvements, let me know, I am happy to help.”

This keeps you top-of-mind when they realize they need better quality.

3. Show Proof That Cheaper Is More Expensive in the Long Run

Many clients choose cheap services to save money, only to realize later that bad websites cost them more in lost business.

Use case studies, testimonials, or examples to prove that investing in quality leads to better results.

“One of my clients initially went with a cheaper developer, but their site had slow loading speeds and security issues. After we rebuilt it, their conversions increased by 40%. Cheap is expensive in the long run!”

This shifts the conversation from “How much does it cost?” to “How much will it cost me if I go cheap?”

Your Action Plan: Stand Out and Stop Competing on Price

If clients are choosing cheaper options, it is time to change how you sell your value.

🔹 Rewrite your offer – Focus on the outcome, not just the service.
🔹 Create urgency – Give them a reason to act now.
🔹 Follow up with lost clients – Many will come back if you stay in touch.
🔹 Show proof – Demonstrate why investing in quality saves them money.

When you shift from competing on price to competing on value, you will attract clients who want results—not just the cheapest deal.Ready to Grow Your Web Consulting Business?
If you are looking to take the next step in growing your web consulting business, learn how at:
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